In any kitchen, it seems there are two hanging participles. Unanswered questions. Undiscovered territories. (The Boyfriend sometimes edits my posts, so I’m stretching his grammar know-how here).
- What can I make for dinner…like quick…’cause somehow I always forget that I have to make dinner nightly?
- What the hell do I do with a chicken breast that I haven’t already done because OMG #chickenbreastagain?
These questions are profuünd and heady. They’re the sort of angsty questions that’ll find you melted on the floor at five o-clock, paralyzed into inaction by the sheer weight of such wonderings.
Thankfully the answer to these questions doesn’t take philosophical dechiphering.
Blackberry Chicken, bitches.
Sorry for the swears today, girls. But fo’ serious. This is the stuff of celebration. We pull out our pretty words for this.
Blackberry Bleeping Chicken.
It requires the most basic of basics. A few of the stuffs from your Detoxed Pantry needed for starters. Then blackberries and mint. That’s nearly all, bae.
Sweet onions.
Make. Eat. Dive. Enjoy.
Then come back on over here this afternoon for a bonus recipe. Because I mayormaynot (aka probably) am gonna share my Bulletproof Blackberry Martinis. I’m kind of a little obsessed, and looking for a good reason to whop them out this afternoon.
So anyway…
Hey you, question! What’s for dinner? Whatchyou gonna do wit that chicken breast?
(You reply:) Blackberry Mother Bleeping Chicken.
Rowr, You are suuuuuch a badass in the kitch.
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup fresh mint
4 trimmed chicken breasts
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1/3 cup sweet onions, finely diced
2 cups blackberries
salt and peppa
1. In a big ol' bowl, whisk together vinegar, honey, and half the mint.
2. Salt and pepper generous-like.
3. Scoop 1/4 cup out and set aside.
4. Marinate chicken in bowl 10 mins.
5. Cook chicken in a medium-hot skillet coated with coconut oil.
6. Drizzle with the marinade once the chicken is browned and let it cook in the juices.
7. Flip after 4-5 minutes, then cook until center is no longer pink.
8. Set chicken aside on a serving platter.
9. Toss onions into the skillet, cook until softened (about 1 minute).
10. Toss blackberries and honey/vinegar mixture into the skillet.
11. When the blackberries are bright purple, spoon over chicken.
12. Enjoyyyyyy.